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Plants To Attract Hummingbirds

The plants listed below are among the Hummingbird’s favourites. While reds dominate the list, plenty of other colours are suggested for varied planting. The most important aspect of designing a […]

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Planting Seed Potatoes & Onion

Potatoes and onions are staple crops in many households and a great addition to any garden. Planting seed potatoes and onion sets is a relatively easy task, but some best […]

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Rhododendrons & Azaleas

Rhododendrons are heavy flowering evergreen plants which enjoy a sheltered and shaded location. Azaleas are also heavy flowering plants and enjoy a sunny or semi-shaded location. Where to Grow Rhododendrons […]

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Rose Care Throughout The Year

Spring & Summer Fall or Early Winter The Following Spring Soil The rose bed or planting hole should be well-prepared. Dig deep, at least 45 cm. The soil should be […]

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Roses: Type And Pruning

ROSE TYPES Hybrid Tea Large, many-petalled, single or double flowers, usually alone and occasionally in clusters of three to five. Blooms are usually held singly on straight long stems that […]

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Sowing Grass Seed

Grow Your Own Lawn From Seed The most important considerations in establishing a new lawn are drainage, soil quality, seedbed preparation, choice of seed, fertility and moisture. If you choose […]

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Caring for Poinsettias

In the heart of the Canadian winter, poinsettias take center stage as the most beloved Christmas houseplants. Their vibrant hues and warm presence bring a touch of festive cheer to […]

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Spring Hasn’t Sprung – Don’t Dig Just Yet

We have been experiencing warmer-than-average temperatures this time of year, and although it may feel like spring and you can’t wait to get back into the garden, it’s important to […]

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