Unique Japanese Maples
Japanese Maples are our specialty at Canadale Nurseries!
The diverse beauty of Japanese maples has captivated gardeners for centuries. During the Edo era in Japan, over 250 named cultivars were selected and grown. Today, there are over 1,000 varieties of different sizes, shapes and hardiness levels. They are especially prized for the size, shape and colour of their foliage. While we have a great supply of the more common varieties such as ‘Bloodgood’, ‘Emperor 1’, ‘Crimson Queen’, ‘Tamukeyama’, ‘Waterfall’, ‘Twombley’s Red Sentinel’, ‘Shaina’ and many others, we also have some rare gems. Read below for some of these Japanese treasures. Please note: these specimens are available in very limited numbers and are sold on a first-come basis.
Be sure to visit our Japanese Maple Care page on our website to further your gardening success.
For descriptions of some of the more well-known Japanese Maples please visit our Plant Finder page.
Unique Japanese Maples in variety
Acer palmatum in variety
As part of our unique Japanese Maple program, we have just received over 100 unique and new Japanese Maples in 1 gallon and 3 gallon pots. These Japanese Maple selections are each individually labelled. Come in and find that unique specimen that is calling you.
We also received these following unique varieties:

Geisha Gone Wild Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum ‘Geisha Gone Wild’
(2m tall & 1m wide) A spectacular new maple. This small deciduous tree has leaves with purple-pink, white and green colouration. Fall colour is purple-orange. Prefers sun/part shade in well-drained soil. Protect from winter winds. Zone 6.
Hana Matoi Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum ‘Hana Matoi’
(1m x1m in 10 years) Unique Japanese Maple with finely dissected green leaves streaked with white, pink and red. Prefers sun/part shade in well-drained soil. Protect in winter. Zone 5

Kuro Hime Japanese Maple Pumice Garden
Acer palmatum ‘Kuro Hime’ Pumice Garden
(0.5 m x 1m wide in 10yrs) A dwarf dense compact form with tiny green leaves. New growth is pinkish-red. Red in fall. Prefers sun/part shade. . Protect in winter. Zone 6
Mikawa Yatsubusa Japanese Maple Pumice Garden
Acer palmatum ‘Mikawa Yatsubusa’ Pumice Garden
(1 m high x 1.25m wide in 10yrs.) A dwarf with small, tightly-layered green leaves. Yellow to orange in fall. One of the finest Japanese maples. Prefers sun/part shade. Protect in winter. Zone 5

Rainbow Japanese Maple Pumice Garden
Acer palmatum ‘Rainbow’ Pumice Garden
(1.75m tall x 1.25m’ wide in 10 years.) A small deciduous upright tree with purple leaves that are splashed with pink. The variegation can vary from leaf to leaf. Fall color is a strong red. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. Protect in winter. Zone 5
Rhode Island Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum ‘Rhode Island Red’
(2.m tall & 1.5m wide) A dwarf deciduous tree with a bushy, round form. Leaves are rich purple-red which turn to fiery red in fall. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. Protect from winter winds. Zone 5.

Sagara Nishiki Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum ‘Sagara nishiki’
(2.m tall & 1.5m wide) An upright Japanese maple with variegated leaves that emerge in shades of green and yellow with subtle pink margins in spring. Fall colour is yellow to orange. Prefers AM sun/PM Shade to hold color, in well-drained soil. Zone 5.
Floating Cloud Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum ‘Ukigumo’
(2m tall & 1.25 m wide in 10 years) A deciduous, slow-growing, upright. Spring leaves display pastel pink and white hues on pale green leaves which soften in summer. Fall colour is gold to orange. Name means “floating cloud” in Japanese. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. Hardy to zone 6

Autumn Moon Japanese Maple
Acer shirasawanum ‘Autumn Moon’
(2m tall 1m & wide in 10 years) A slow-growing, upright deciduous tree. In spring pale yellow-green leaves emerge with soft orange tones which last throughout season. Fall colour in bright shades of yellow, orange & red. Prefers AM sun/PM shade in well-drained soil. Hardy to zone 5.
Moonrise Japanese Maple
Acer shirasawanum ‘Moonrise’
(1.75m tall & 1.5m wide in 10 years) A small deciduous tree with a full rounded canopy. Foliage is yellow-green with stunning red new growth. Prefers AM sun and PM shade in well-drained soil. Hardy to zone 5.

Carnival Variegated Hedge Maple
Acer campestre ‘Carnival’
(2m high & wide) A dwarf, shrub with green leaves outlined in pink and white in spring. Pink fades leaving white margin. Fall color yellow to gold. Full sun to part shade. Zone 5.