Rabbit Resistant Plants
Rabbits may be charming to watch from afar, but they can quickly become a nuisance in the garden. Fortunately, many plants are naturally resistant to rabbits, helping you maintain a beautiful landscape without constant damage. While no plant is entirely rabbit-proof—especially when food is scarce—these species are less appealing to rabbits and can help reduce their impact on your garden.
Rabbit-Resistant Trees and Shrubs
Incorporate these trees and shrubs into your landscape to add structure and beauty while keeping rabbits at bay:
- Japanese maple
- Buckeye
- Tulip tree
- Blue spruce
- White pine
- Willow
- Holly
- Butterfly bush
- Boxwood
- Blue mist shrub
- Red twig dogwood
- Smokebush
- Cotoneaster
- Forsythia
- Rose of Sharon
- Climbing hydrangea
- Smooth hydrangea
- Junipers
- Potentilla
- Currant
- Azalea
- Rhododendron
- Sumac
- Elderberry
- Lilac
- Yew
- Viburnum
Rabbit-Resistant Perennials
Add perennial plants that rabbits tend to avoid for lasting colour and texture in your garden:
- Yarrow
- Wolf’s bane
- Lady’s mantle
- Anemone
- Columbine
- Silvermound
- Common milkweed
- Aster
- Astilbe
- Wild indigo
- Bergenia
- Bugbane
- Clematis
- Lily of the valley
- Delphinium
- Foxglove
- Globe thistle
- Barrenwort
- Spurge
- Ferns
- Queen of the prairie
- Cranesbill
- Hellebore
- Daylily
- Iris
- Candytuft
- Torch lily
- Dead nettle
- Lavender
- Lobelia
- Mallow
- Virginia bluebells
- Butterfly bush
- Forget-me-not
- Catmint
- Pachysandra
- Oriental poppy/poppy
- Moss phlox
- Pasqueflower
- Lungwort
- Perennial sage
- Sedum
- Lamb’s ear
- Stoke’s aster
- Sweet violet
- Yucca
- Penstemon
Rabbit-Resistant Annuals
For vibrant seasonal displays, try these rabbit-resistant annuals:
- Ageratum
- Wax begonias
- Browallia
- Swan river daisy
- Calendula
- Cleome
- Gazania
- Geranium
- Lantana
- Salvia
- Scaevola (fan flower)
- Verbena
- Zinnia
- Nasturtium
- Osteo daisies (cape daisies)
Rabbit-Resistant Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruits
If you’re growing edibles, choose plants that rabbits are less likely to snack on:
- Asparagus
- Basil
- Currant
- Gooseberry
- Grape
- Lavender
- Marjoram
- Mint
- Onion and leek
- Oregano
- Summer squash
- Parsley
- Potato
- Rhubarb
- Savory
- Tarragon
- Thyme
- Tomato
Tips for Preventing Rabbit Damage
In addition to selecting rabbit-resistant plants, consider these strategies to protect your garden from curious nibblers:
- Natural Repellents: Products like Bobbex and Critter Ridder are effective at deterring rabbits. Apply these sprays to plants, following the manufacturer’s instructions, to create an unappealing taste or smell.

- Physical Barriers: Use fencing or netting to protect vulnerable plants. Chicken wire with small openings can be placed around flower beds or individual plants to prevent rabbits from getting through.
- Motion-Activated Devices: Set up sprinklers or lights that activate when motion is detected to startle rabbits and encourage them to move on.
- Scent-Based Deterrents: Rabbits dislike strong odors. Consider placing items like garlic cloves, crushed mint, or commercial scent-based deterrents near your plants.
- Plant Placement: Place the most rabbit-resistant plants on the outer edges of your garden to act as a natural barrier for more vulnerable species.
- Remove Attractants: Keep your garden free of brush piles, tall grass, and other hiding spots that rabbits may use as shelter.
By combining these strategies with rabbit-resistant plant choices, you can create a landscape that is less inviting to rabbits and more enjoyable for you. Happy gardening!